A mobile application to lower stress, play running water sounds to mask bathroom noises, and save water.

What's done

The application provided a seamless and intuitive user experience, with robust features for playing different water sounds to enhance your bathroom visit and avoid uncomfortable situations.
We've built iOS mobile app with functionalitie of payments for monthly subscriptions and donations possibilities to provide clean water for struggeling communities.
The most challenging aspect of the development process was app animations and smoothness, as aesthetics was one of the main objectives of the project.
Throughout the development process, we've made analysis of the ecological problems related to the vain water use, as well as the potential features and functionalities that the app could offer.
The users of the Watr include people who care about the environment and trying to make our planet better. Comfortable bathroom visit added.
The app offering water saving and tracking the amounts of the community water preservation. The app has a user-friendly interface and advanced tools to find the perfect sound to mask bathroom noise.

The result

A wide range of bathroom sounds.
Select and favorite the water sounds that most closely mimic the sounds in your bathroom.
Real-time statistics.
See real-time stats on how much water you're saved and how much water has been saved by the Watr community at all.
Stories, posts, places, friends
All the aspects of social network rediscovered keeping friends and their stories at fingertips.
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